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Monday, October 13, 2014

                               Weather news and sports 
                                breaking news: tornado watch is in effect utill 7 for illions  and Missouri  and a tornado touches down in Missouri in st.clair county a down tree  by my house

                    today            high 71                        tonight           low 56

             strong thunder storms         scattered thunder storms    

 tomorrow                                         tomorrow night low 50
   showers high 65                                                         showers                               
                        news :    a tornado touches down I n 
                           St. Clair in Missouri 
               protesters in Ferguson protesting started at 10 am
              and blocked one lane on S.florisaant road  
sports rain or shine, Cards fan rally for NCLS
          that's today weather sports and news I will update if anything   else happens
a rams game is tonight at 8pm if weather promits  
                                        also here's the forecast for my friends in 
noble Oklahoma

 right now in noble Oklahoma                     Tuesday      sunny high 70
    cloudy  high 55
                                                          low 49

wed sunny high 70

low 49
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